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UPDATED: May 16, 2022

A type of mushroom can help treat canine cancer. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine conducted a study on the canine cancer hemangiosarcoma. The study highlighted a compound that is found in Yunzhi mushroom (Coriolus versicolor). The compound, polysaccharopeptide (PSP), is found to provide the longest survival time for dogs suffering from hemangiosarcoma.

Dorothy Cimino Brown and Jennifer Reetz published their promising findings in the international, peer-reviewed journal, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM). The journal article was published in September of 2012.

Turkey Tail Mushroom
Yunzhi mushroom aka turkey tail mushroom

Yunzhi mushroom has been used extensively by Chinese medicine practitioners for over two thousand years. It is believed to have excellent immune-boosting properties. Its unparalleled tumor-fighting potential is hopefully and slowly being recognized in Western medicine.

Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive type of cancer that occurs most predominantly among German shepherds and golden retrievers. The cancer typically forms in the blood cells and devastates the spleen. The preference of the cancer for certain dog breeds may shed light on its possible genetic origins.

The fifteen dogs that were selected for the study were those that had naturally occurring hemangiosarcoma. Three groups of five dogs each were tested with varying doses of the synthesized and encapsulized formulation of PSP called I’m-Yunity.

Before PSP, the longest average survival time for dogs that received no treatment for their hemangiosarcoma of the spleen was 86 days. Using the compound derived from the Yunzhi mushroom, the longest survival time was extended to 199 days—more than twice for dogs whose hemangiosarcoma was left untreated. The most effective dosage of I’m-Yunity was found to be at 100 mg.

Further trials are still going to be pursued to compare the results to a placebo and chemotherapy. Refined treatment methods are also being looked at in conjunction with PSP.

For many dog owners, the cancer-fighting mushroom compound can be instrumental in improving the quality of life for their pets affected by the dreaded hemangiosarcoma. 


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